[section bgcolor=»#ffffff» padding=»40px 0 40px 0″]
[gap height=»10″]
Inovado 3.0 includes 100% Sections
Just create a Page with the new «100% Section» Template, insert the new [section] Shortcode and you’re done!
You can also set the background-color, padding, border, background-image and the awesome parallax effect.
[section bgcolor=»#f9f9f9″ padding=»60px 0 40px 0″ border=»1px solid #ececec»]
[wooslider slide_page=»aboutus» slider_type=»slides» limit=»5″]
[gap height=»20″][separator headline=»h3″ title=»Sign Up Now!»][gap height=»10″]
Error: Formulario de contacto no encontrado.
[section bgcolor=»#ffffff» padding=»40px 0 40px 0″]
Get The Code
[section bgcolor="#f9f9f9" bgimage="IMAGEURL" parallax="true" padding="40px 0" border="1px solid #ececec"] Your Content [/section]